
Mike Hutton - Warwickshire


Mike has worked hard to make his home as energy efficient as possible. He has installed solid wall insulation, doubled up his loft insulation and even collects rain water for using in his garden. When he heard about solar PV he decided it was an ecologically sound idea and would be a great addition to his home.Importantly for Mike, he needed the numbers to stack up, and with the Feed-in Tariff scheme offering quarterly payments for generating and exporting electricity the system would pay for itself, reducing his energy bills along the way.Mike chose to maximise his roof space and went for the highest efficiency panels, Sunpower, which allowed him to get an extra 0.8 kW out of his roof over standard modules. According to Mike, the site team could not have been better and he would recommend both solar PV and EvoEnergy to others.

Visit the EvoEnergy website for more information on Mike Hutton - Warwickshire


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