cbe - DS123-UK Circuit Breaker
Product Code: ML0203653
cbe - DS123-UK Circuit BreakerOEM No. 203653 Important Ordering Information. Its important to use all the order code off the original item for replacements. For example all cbe equipment have a code like 'DS520' then some letters like RA, EM etc, then a six digit code like '112002'. If you don't order the same six digit code, its likely the replacement will not work. Some motorhome converters like EuroMobil, Rapido etc. have an arrangement with cbe where its not possible to obtain cbe spares outside the EuroMobil, Rapido etc. Franchise network (bit like trying to buy a BMW engine from a Citroen dealer. |
Visit the Marcle Leisure website for more information on cbe - DS123-UK Circuit Breaker