iKool-10 Hot Portable Air Coolers
For more information about iKool-10 Hot Portable Air Coolers please contact us.The iKool-10 Hot is a portable air cooler, which is a stand alone unit, which can be used through both the summer and winter months, due to the fact that the iKool-10 Hot, also has a heating mode, for the warm summer months.These evaporative coolers work differently from an air conditioning unit, and when they are in cooling mode; they work by the process of evaporation, in order to help bring the temperature down.They come fitted with a high efficiency pad, which cools around 30% greater, than an ordinary pad, and also have automatic louvres, to help with better air distribution.In terms of cooling, you are likely to see a temperature drop of anywhere between 5-7 degrees celsius.When these portable air coolers are put into heating mode, the 1100w heater, that is fitted inside the unit, will help to keep a small office, small living room, or similar area, up to a maximum area of 10 square metres warm, during the summer months.Unlike a traditional fan heater, which is situated on the floor, and blows out warm air, at a very low height, these units provide heat at a perfect height, as the IKool-10 Hot is raised from the floor, with the fan part, positioned at just the right height.Three main reasons to choose an evaporative cooler, swamp cooler, or spot cooler, as they are sometimes called; is the fact that are easy to operate, they don’t have any pipework to be ducted out through a building, through a hole in the wall, or window, and they can be easily moved to the area that needs cooling or heating.
Please contact us for further information about iKool-10 Hot Portable Air Coolers.
Visit the Innovate Electrical Supplies Ltd website for more information on iKool-10 Hot Portable Air Coolers